Friday 29 June 2012

Canada, the Too Young Country

Canada is a young nation, is more ways then one. It nost that anyone dresses young, acts young, and when old is still young in apearance, canadian and american society is a soceity of youthfullness, noone is old anymore around here, it seems. But another thing that makes everyone young in modern soceity, and why not even call it the "formula of eternal youth" also known as wild consumption, dont that keep you young hein??

Because being young and acting you doesnt come for free, of course!!! Old age, rincles, depression, demensia, that sure comes for free and often is very hard to run from it, but youth, you must pay for it!!
I am not complaining about a youthfull society, but its hard to not to see that much of this ilution, its greatly fantasy, then again, you pay for fantasies, not reality since the real is far easier to find then is counter part, fantasy.

But this "New Eden" seems also to forget other Real things, and not just on the fantasy departament, we just have to ask, "where the hell is the native in this multi cultural society, of youthfullness??" I know where it is, Nowhere!! In fact althout the natives dress more like blacks from the american gettho and live intentionaly separate from the rest of society, and lets not forget their independent anger towards the past with the white man..adding all up, the native seems to be not represented on the canadian dream that much.

American societies were idealised as new societies different then the european ones, represented by its Old ideas, Old traditions and Old heirarchies, suming the whole idea of an overall Old Europe ; with the creation of America and Canada came the wish to create a New Society, New Values and even a New Mankind.

The idea and ideal of the Americas was and is a great one, but it suffers from a few pitfalls that we are so familiar with. If someone want to be whoever it wants to be and in a Godless world, with politics being of no interest, and the only drive of a society is doing money and spending it in equal Madness, what borns out of this "ashes" is really a strange "phonix".

What comes from a society like this, adding a bling individualism where the bigger the ego the better seems to be, and while not trying not to being too concervative in my vision, is a hollow group of individuals where the God of money and the "dreams", and ocational nightmares, they sell are the only way to "build" yourself. So much for a "primicing, new, land", when the individual its ultimately alone, acting under the values of big corporations they "help" him/her define him or herself.

I am not agains freedom and individual expression, I in fact value them alot what its hard to me to to grasp its the interpretation of this values in American societies since what this society ultimately became was some kind of a Social Darwinism. This society of youfull dreams and aspirations is missing one big and essential tihng is my perspective, something that can only be found not just on the other side of the Ocean, in Europe, but also down South in Latin America, that is, a strong communitarian spirit.

Gandh is famous by saying "in a eye for an eye world, people will end up blind" seems to see its realization in todays american and canadian society, where having and being the best matters more having a meaningfull connection with others and really caring. In Latin American what binds people togheter is God and tradition, is Europe is heirarchy and social stratues, while society is becoming more and more americanised.

So it seems some Old things do matter is this New new New society. But we live in a different world, we cannot bring old values, to this new land and also the religios organizations that are important in the americas value wealth and power as a sign of God Will, so then again its not by a lack of religion but the way concervative values organize themselfs in importance.

----------(willl continue)


1 comment:

  1. I think that the time is fair and exact for what have to do with our lives and therefore it is so important to forget time and not waste a single moment.
