Thursday 9 August 2012


The canadian dream, dont we have it, in some form or another? I did, and I belive i still have it, somewhere on the mud cynicism that living in canada for 9 years and having low payed jobs and being asked to over produce when I wasnt even motivate to do my best, when you feal exploited by a system that asks more and pays, humanly, emotionaly...less and less.

But lets talk about Work, the blood that makes the Canadian, the World economy spin and breath, we the immigrants who try to find a job, feal they belong here, I belong here, I like Canada alot, still there are many things in the canadian system that dont make sence, that hurt Us Imigrants that make Canada their home.

There is a general fealing that we are equal, legaly we are to some extend if we forget for some instants the fact most cops are white canadians, no need to be surprise, more on the way. When it comes to leadership in organizations, corporations and so forth, who leads? canadians, and i wont go to the sex details( male or female) thats a glass long broken. The white "supremacy" in Canada, and I dont mean this in any KKK type of way, goes to the extend that while canadians have the "easy" job, and stay the longer employed it seems, immigrants not just struggle to find a job, keep it and to be understand, because of our "poor english".

It seems its us who have to do the work to be understood in so many levels, yes its a multicultural country and all that, but in a multicultural country dont the "hosts" dont have to do some work too?? But as i was saying I worked once in a company, a famous one in fact proud of its, open to debate, "equality" where most of the leaders were white canadians, employers in fact did the easy job like helping costumers, while the new canadians with their poor english and hard work, stayed on the back producing and while we on the back were expected more and more, often even doing the work on the group of canadians, the leadership never took notice of the difference of treatment.

I applyed several times to places like HMV, Rogers Video, StarBucks, Fundraising and I didnt understood why i didnt fet the job, well, take some time to visit and notice I realized why, who work on this places are Canada born people while fluently speaking and cool atitude candians have, of course me or any other new canadian/immigrant will never  get that job, the answer is right in front of you. Then I have to ask what are the policies of this companies about the people they hire?? are they so specific that goes to the point of the hired being a immigrant or canadian born?..or maybe whos to blame its the leadership, that chooses the easier way, buy hiring people that they dont have to strugle to maybe its not the difficulty of the job, but some obvious preference on those companies, that dont seem very canadianm isnt it!!!

But if I want to work on Macdonals, Superstore or Burguer King where the conditions, lets say are more EXPLOITIVE, the process of hiring, and work demand wont compare with the previous companies that I said above, because being a canadian born sure brings great advantages and who get the crapy job and have to show we are at the same level as canadians?? we are, the new immigrants!!

Yes we came a long way from the past experiences of Immigration, but we are still a long way to go and for that the system must change and w

Sunday 29 July 2012

Un Horizonte Nuevo, otra vez…

Hace unos años los deje todos atrás, cada recuerdo amargo que cruzaba mi pensamiento; fue extraño ese momento, pues cada uno de ellos se hizo presente  aquella tarde. Recordé mi infancia y mi adultez. Hubo momentos donde sentí pena de mí y hubo otros donde me sentí valiente y decidida; de igual manera ambos fueron duros de vivir y esa tarde estaban conmigo una vez más, todos a la vez. Salieron de mí,  y me sentí responsable de mi vida, aunque a veces pareciera victima.  Y tan fácil como soltar una maleta, los deje a ellos también y quedaron todos atrás.
Yo cambie, pude recoger nuevas memorias; pude vivir mi vida al lado de los seres que tanto amo, sin un solo reproche. Marche hacia delante…
Y caminado de frente me encuentro otro horizonte, pues este viaje aun no termina. Hoy otra vez, después de tantos años, los dejo una vez más atrás; no esos recuerdos que deje en esa tarde; los nuevos, pues una vez más la vida fue dura, y fui feliz, y fui vulnerable.  Una vez mas sin equipaje, me muevo hacia delante y cambiare otra vez; y recogeré nuevas memorias, y viviré al lado de los que tanto amo sin reproches. Otra vez…


Thursday 26 July 2012


Hiring to Firing you!!! Please apply!!!

We live in a mad world, often I am forced  to say an abusurd world. Modern companies dont seem to just to hire people, with all their human limitations, but machines it seems. Its competition we can say, but that same competition have some pervert side effects on people lifes and word place, most of all it unhumanises people that become alienated on their constant struggle to bet the expected level of the company, but if the company dont like the employer for some stupid reason, very easly that same company can come up with reasons to make one more unemployed.

But not having a job and keeping it its hard, being hired now a days it is in itself a push to extreme limits, like companies want a Perfect person for the job and if along the hiring process something unperfect happens on the part of the job seeker, your history. We live in a world dominated by an irrational desire to have money and to spend it, since companies want us to consume, consume and consume while spending the money of out effort.....companies abuse us to make them money and on our time off, other organizations compete for our money in entreteinment and pleasure, this are our chains.

But lets talk about the hiring must dress right, talk right, have a wonderfull resume in its form and content, a resume that not only shows who you are, but for some time you can in a letter be magnificent and wonderfull with the only letter in yout life you are able to touch a heart to be called for an interview. After conquering the heart of the employer he wants to know what you can do and how you are, on interview he text you by your past exemples and experiences and lets not forget that in all this process if the boss feels something is not right or he doesnt like this or that....well, your out.

When testing your skills that often happens, from writting, to answering phone calls, computer skills and so forth...the shadow of mistakes its always on your back, but then again "we want to hire you!" also rings deep inside you. To some extend we are at the mercy of the organizitions from the time we send a resume to the 1 interview and so forth " you better be perfect" walk over water, raise the dead or turn water into wine, if getting a job depends on it, you must do it!!!

And in this world where organizations have control over us and our desteny often no matter how hard we try, its never good enough for them, because we were born with a fragility, being human. Text after text after text we have to go throught, from a phone interview to many task ones, to find out at the end, for the majority that applys " i am sorry but you didnt performed according to out expectations"..and so the grueling job search continues again and the selection continues for the "Uberman"that the organizations have in mind, they either too unreal or we will have to lie to ourselfs and to them for both of us to reach a certain agreement.

We workers, who look for a job are at a loss on this competitive selvage market of job search, we became and are comodities, we dont mean nothing to them, they have more people out there who want to work and are able to reach the purposes of the organizations, those people that like many companies, dont mind steping on people, using them and explore them as they please to reach the ultimate and aburd goal of more money on their account.

More money for what reason?? wanting money for money sake, at any price, when people are trown out and kicked around if they dont fit the organizations ambitions. Many dont just look for a job but a company to sell their soul, humanity and long as they pay, they are the best "toy" to be bought....I meet a few of those tyoe of the companies, they are usualy blind, stupid and ignorant, but the company loves them since their lack of self awarenes and blissfull stutpidy makes them lots of money....its a great deal!!!

A new paradigm needs to come in the future, a solution to this powerless hiring process we unemployed have, we are not on the wiining side and nothing can garantee we will ever be. The reason I wrote this article is because i find it offencive and stupid how organizations since the hiring process abuse their powers, by the simple fact they give us the money we need, and most of all because we are all replaceble in this economic selvagery...we simply become objects, we are objects and becoem more and more alienated and stupified when organizations while during the hiring process or while working push us to extremes and ask in the name of their profit and power, for us to loose our dignity and humity...and thats is very very wrong!!!!!

Tiago R

Sunday 15 July 2012

There are many working for Him

This week I had the certainty of knowing that so many are working for Him. I know a lady who is trying to build a new temple; there are others that are helping her, building her dream. There is a humble group of women who live near my house that, deal with their own problems and spread the good news of God with happiness. There is another who learns about Him, a little more each day and filled with hope, help others that she found on her path, just with words. I read books about love and how we should help spread it. There are so many working for Him and everyone does things their own way, each one of them believes in different religions, live in a different country and speak a different language, each one believes that their truth is absolute; and absolute or not, there is a one thing that matters, that they all are working for Him.
Join Them!
Give good advice and you will be working for Him. Open the door for someone, dare to discuss a thought; struggle to live a life with dignity, full of love and you will be working for Him. If you only think big, there are millions of needy people around the world; Help them!  
Dream, Love, Live, Give glory to God and you will be working for Him.


Hay Muchos Trabajando para El

Esta semana tuve la certeza de saber que hay tantos trabajando para El. Conozco una señora que, esta intentando construir un nuevo templo; hay otros que la ayudan a construir su sueño. Hay un grupo de humildes señoras que viven cerca de mi casa que lidian con sus problemas y en adición esparcen la buena noticia de Dios, con amor y felices. Hay otra que aprende de El un poco más cada día y llenándose de esperanza, ayuda al que se encuentra de frente con sus propias palabras. He leído libros que hablan del amor y como debemos ayudar a esparcirlo. Hay tantos trabajando para El  y cada uno hace las cosas a su manera, cada cual cree en religiones diferente, cada uno vive en un país diferente y hablan diferentes lenguas; cada uno cree que su verdad es absoluta; y absoluta o no, hay una sola cosa que importa, que todos están trabajando para El.
Da un buen consejo y estarás trabajando para El. Ábrele la puerta a alguien, atrévete a debatir un pensamiento, lucha por vivir una vida con dignidad, llena de amor  y estarás trabajando par El. Si solo piensas en grande, hay millones de necesitados en el mundo, ¡Ayúdalos!                                             
Sueña, Ama, Vive, Dale la Gloria a Dios
y estarás trabajando para El.


Sunday 8 July 2012


We all have felt that stabbing pain; can still move, your heart is pounding fast and faster like trying to clean the blood from a fatal poison that we just swallow. You can't think clearly, but you know what you want. It doesn’t matter if you fear for a life, for a dream, or you are just trying to do it better; that thought of, “be careful” is keeping you looking from far “that”,             I want so much…
I say; it doesn’t worth it, you got to keep moving. I can’t stop now!
Fear is about surviving and life is about defeating fear. Like a spring we must jump on top of fear and go highest and closer to our dreams; where fear is an adventure and my life is a living dream.
Let’s break the chain of fear, let’s teach our children about love, let live our life wanting, going and conquering. Is all right to feel fear; the problem is,         when that is all I feel.




Todos hemos sentido ese dolor punzante, aún te puedes mover y tu corazón late con fuerza cada vez más rápido, como tratando de limpiar la sangre de un fatal veneno que acabamos de tragar. No puedes pensar con claridad, pero tú sabes lo que quieres. No importa si temes por su vida, un sueño o si está tratando de hacerlo mejor; ese pensamiento de, "ten cuidado" te mantiene mirando desde lejos "eso", que tanto quiero.

Yo digo; no vale la pena, tienes que seguir hacia delante.     ¡No puedo parar ahora!

El miedo se trata sobrevivir y vivir se trata de derrotar el miedo. Al igual que un resorte nosotros debemos saltar encima del miedo e ir más alto y más cerca de nuestros sueños, donde el miedo es una aventura y mi vida es un sueño viviente.

Vamos a romper la cadena del miedo, vamos a enseñar a nuestros hijos sobre el amor, vamos a vivir nuestra vida queriendo, hiendo y conquistando. Está bien sentir miedo; el problema es, cuando es todo lo que siento.


Friday 29 June 2012

Canada, the Too Young Country

Canada is a young nation, is more ways then one. It nost that anyone dresses young, acts young, and when old is still young in apearance, canadian and american society is a soceity of youthfullness, noone is old anymore around here, it seems. But another thing that makes everyone young in modern soceity, and why not even call it the "formula of eternal youth" also known as wild consumption, dont that keep you young hein??

Because being young and acting you doesnt come for free, of course!!! Old age, rincles, depression, demensia, that sure comes for free and often is very hard to run from it, but youth, you must pay for it!!
I am not complaining about a youthfull society, but its hard to not to see that much of this ilution, its greatly fantasy, then again, you pay for fantasies, not reality since the real is far easier to find then is counter part, fantasy.

But this "New Eden" seems also to forget other Real things, and not just on the fantasy departament, we just have to ask, "where the hell is the native in this multi cultural society, of youthfullness??" I know where it is, Nowhere!! In fact althout the natives dress more like blacks from the american gettho and live intentionaly separate from the rest of society, and lets not forget their independent anger towards the past with the white man..adding all up, the native seems to be not represented on the canadian dream that much.

American societies were idealised as new societies different then the european ones, represented by its Old ideas, Old traditions and Old heirarchies, suming the whole idea of an overall Old Europe ; with the creation of America and Canada came the wish to create a New Society, New Values and even a New Mankind.

The idea and ideal of the Americas was and is a great one, but it suffers from a few pitfalls that we are so familiar with. If someone want to be whoever it wants to be and in a Godless world, with politics being of no interest, and the only drive of a society is doing money and spending it in equal Madness, what borns out of this "ashes" is really a strange "phonix".

What comes from a society like this, adding a bling individualism where the bigger the ego the better seems to be, and while not trying not to being too concervative in my vision, is a hollow group of individuals where the God of money and the "dreams", and ocational nightmares, they sell are the only way to "build" yourself. So much for a "primicing, new, land", when the individual its ultimately alone, acting under the values of big corporations they "help" him/her define him or herself.

I am not agains freedom and individual expression, I in fact value them alot what its hard to me to to grasp its the interpretation of this values in American societies since what this society ultimately became was some kind of a Social Darwinism. This society of youfull dreams and aspirations is missing one big and essential tihng is my perspective, something that can only be found not just on the other side of the Ocean, in Europe, but also down South in Latin America, that is, a strong communitarian spirit.

Gandh is famous by saying "in a eye for an eye world, people will end up blind" seems to see its realization in todays american and canadian society, where having and being the best matters more having a meaningfull connection with others and really caring. In Latin American what binds people togheter is God and tradition, is Europe is heirarchy and social stratues, while society is becoming more and more americanised.

So it seems some Old things do matter is this New new New society. But we live in a different world, we cannot bring old values, to this new land and also the religios organizations that are important in the americas value wealth and power as a sign of God Will, so then again its not by a lack of religion but the way concervative values organize themselfs in importance.

----------(willl continue)


Tuesday 26 June 2012

Time and time...again

Time is a interesting thing, life too. But what would be life without time?? no fun for sure, but it seems its Time that give all its meaning, its importance, its Power. In Alice in Wonderland, of my favorites books of all time the Rabbit runs in a hurry "O dear! O dear! I shall be late!" so its the nature of time, always in a hurry, there is never time for anything, in Life things are either too good and go so fast or so terribly bad that time seems to enjoy torturing us in its sssslllloooowwwwneesss.

"Go fast Time can you??!! Time now go slow!! I feel better, now go slow Time, please!!" and so we are, we fragil little Humans changed by Time. But we are far from being "victims" of Time, all depends on how we use it or how we play with it, "Play with Time?!! The Horror!!"well....."Two things you never play with, Time and Food!!" says often Mother Destiny...I guess she might be right!!

Time sure have been giving me something to think about about and thats another good thing about Time, it makes you think!! when you stop and look back at life and look ahead at the Future, its without a shadow of a doubt a good conversation topic...with yourself!!

But as I was writting, before being inturrupted by another chain of thought that always take me somewhere else, Time and Life, two things you can never live without and if you doubt me that you cant live without them, let me just tell you, many have tryed but  no one returned to tell how it was!!

Yes, Time eat us all in a good all greek mithological way, Goya once painted a painting of Kronos (the good of Time) eating its suns, its a brutal unhumane painting, but the real brutality resides on what lies beneath, Death, our own Death!! I know I am a bit young to think about such "non sence", many would just advice me to " enjoy your life and do the best out of it!!" I agree with them, I am doing the best i can to enjoy it, to find some meaning, some purpose, some pleasure in it and its on Times like this these people seem to go on the religious path.

" On box number 2, we have Buddha" "On box number 3 Jesus" "On box number 4 you have a Life driven by greed and personal ignorance" I to some extend already did my choosing, box nunber 3?? but not all questions are answered by a sacret book or a Saviour, or even by psycotherapy founded by a sir that had some parent issues and saw sex everywhere, mister Freud!

No, Time is making me think about my purpose in here and on how i havent felt that I havent Lived Life as fully as i wanted, because the World seems often so confusing, so strange and unpredictable. But not just the world, but also myself. I am not looking for "bullet proof answers" or some "already made recepe of complete happyness" buy now limited time offer $12.99. No, No, No!! Life is not a TV show or a comodity you can use or abuse as you wish for, Life is fragil but its whats inside us that make it so much more important. Life is made of potentalities and oportunities, yes I know we all know that, we read the books, we did some thinking and we are all very mature!! I know, I know, but still that never stop us from making mistakes....

Time is tiking for you and for everyone, still we prefer to live a life of senceless spending, senceless pretending and numbing self unawareness...we live in Anxious times!! In times where the meaningfull and important became boring and irrelevant, because the life and fashion of some people you will never know is more important then your/our self knowledge!!

Time and Life is like the Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland, on the run, you can go after him, but how sure if you will ever catch him? you can try!! But while me and you do that, lets figure out who we are, with the little honesty we have left!!


Sunday 24 June 2012

Visa de Empleo

Corrí por toda la casa buscando a alguien cercano a mí que pudiera disfrutar de este momento conmigo. ¡No pude encontrar a nadie!       Pero, esto no es una historia triste…

Llamé a mi madre que está lejos, lejos, lejos de mí y sí, ella está / estaba celebrando conmigo. Solicité un puesto de trabajo 5 minutos después que abrí el correo electrónico con mis documentos. Estoy feliz de estar finalmente en condiciones de trabajar y ahí es donde empieza mi dilema.

Al día siguiente, el sábado, le dije a todos los seres humanos que cruzaron mi camino, la buena noticia, muchos de ellos estaban contentos por mí, y mi "status" en Facebook, llamo la atención de mis amigos más cercanos y familiares; todos ellos enviaron sus felicitaciones y mejores deseos (Todos sabían lo frustrante que ha sido para mí
, no poder trabajar, y no voy a hablar de los problemas financieros.) Esto no es una historia triste…

 Un amigo me preguntó: ¿Es que realmente quieren trabajar? <!Oh sí, quiero!> Le contesté a él con los ojos bien abiertos. Empezamos a hablar sobre el costo de vida aquí en Canadá y lo caro que es. (Y sí que lo es y también lo son muchos otros lugares.) De todos modos quedamos de acuerdo en la necesidad de dinero, y luego seguí con mi día.

Pero mi pregunta es: ¿Nunca seremos capaces de disfrutar del trabajo? ¿De ser feliz con nuestro empleo? En este momento, yo creo que voy a encontrar mi trabajo ideal; ¡Pero he encontrado mi trabajo ideal antes y no siempre fue ideal! Oh Dios! Ok, esto No es una historia triste.

Hoy es domingo y mi búsqueda de trabajo se inicia / continua, esta semana y espero que esto siga siendo una historia no triste...

Beatriz Cabrera Jun/24 2012

Work Visa

I ran around the house looking for somebody close to me that could enjoy that moment with me. I couldn’t found anybody… But, this is not a sad story!   I called my mother that is far, far, far from me and yes, she is/was happy with me. I applied for a job 5 minutes after I opened the e mail with my documents. I am happy to finally be able to work and there is where my dilemma begins…
At the next day on Saturday, I told every single human that crossed my way, the good new; many of them were happy for me, and my “status” on "Face-book" called the attention of my closest friends and family; they all sent their congratulations and best wishes (they all knew how frustrating has been for me, not to be able to work; and I am NOT going to mention the financial struggles... This is NOT a sad story!); a friend asked me: Do you really want to work? Ooh Yes I want to. I replied at him with my eyes wide open. We start talking about cost of living here in Canada and how expensive is. (And yes it is and so are many other places.) Anyway we both agree in the need of money, and then I carried on with my day. But my question is: We will never be able to enjoy work? Be happy with our jobs? Right now, I think I am going to find my ideal job, but I have found my ideal job before and not always it was ideal!
Today is Sunday and my search for a job will begins/continue this week, I hope this continue being not a sad story…
Beatriz Cabrera Jun/24 2012