Thursday 26 July 2012

Hiring to Firing you!!! Please apply!!!

We live in a mad world, often I am forced  to say an abusurd world. Modern companies dont seem to just to hire people, with all their human limitations, but machines it seems. Its competition we can say, but that same competition have some pervert side effects on people lifes and word place, most of all it unhumanises people that become alienated on their constant struggle to bet the expected level of the company, but if the company dont like the employer for some stupid reason, very easly that same company can come up with reasons to make one more unemployed.

But not having a job and keeping it its hard, being hired now a days it is in itself a push to extreme limits, like companies want a Perfect person for the job and if along the hiring process something unperfect happens on the part of the job seeker, your history. We live in a world dominated by an irrational desire to have money and to spend it, since companies want us to consume, consume and consume while spending the money of out effort.....companies abuse us to make them money and on our time off, other organizations compete for our money in entreteinment and pleasure, this are our chains.

But lets talk about the hiring must dress right, talk right, have a wonderfull resume in its form and content, a resume that not only shows who you are, but for some time you can in a letter be magnificent and wonderfull with the only letter in yout life you are able to touch a heart to be called for an interview. After conquering the heart of the employer he wants to know what you can do and how you are, on interview he text you by your past exemples and experiences and lets not forget that in all this process if the boss feels something is not right or he doesnt like this or that....well, your out.

When testing your skills that often happens, from writting, to answering phone calls, computer skills and so forth...the shadow of mistakes its always on your back, but then again "we want to hire you!" also rings deep inside you. To some extend we are at the mercy of the organizitions from the time we send a resume to the 1 interview and so forth " you better be perfect" walk over water, raise the dead or turn water into wine, if getting a job depends on it, you must do it!!!

And in this world where organizations have control over us and our desteny often no matter how hard we try, its never good enough for them, because we were born with a fragility, being human. Text after text after text we have to go throught, from a phone interview to many task ones, to find out at the end, for the majority that applys " i am sorry but you didnt performed according to out expectations"..and so the grueling job search continues again and the selection continues for the "Uberman"that the organizations have in mind, they either too unreal or we will have to lie to ourselfs and to them for both of us to reach a certain agreement.

We workers, who look for a job are at a loss on this competitive selvage market of job search, we became and are comodities, we dont mean nothing to them, they have more people out there who want to work and are able to reach the purposes of the organizations, those people that like many companies, dont mind steping on people, using them and explore them as they please to reach the ultimate and aburd goal of more money on their account.

More money for what reason?? wanting money for money sake, at any price, when people are trown out and kicked around if they dont fit the organizations ambitions. Many dont just look for a job but a company to sell their soul, humanity and long as they pay, they are the best "toy" to be bought....I meet a few of those tyoe of the companies, they are usualy blind, stupid and ignorant, but the company loves them since their lack of self awarenes and blissfull stutpidy makes them lots of money....its a great deal!!!

A new paradigm needs to come in the future, a solution to this powerless hiring process we unemployed have, we are not on the wiining side and nothing can garantee we will ever be. The reason I wrote this article is because i find it offencive and stupid how organizations since the hiring process abuse their powers, by the simple fact they give us the money we need, and most of all because we are all replaceble in this economic selvagery...we simply become objects, we are objects and becoem more and more alienated and stupified when organizations while during the hiring process or while working push us to extremes and ask in the name of their profit and power, for us to loose our dignity and humity...and thats is very very wrong!!!!!

Tiago R

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